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Our layouts
Pictures of the H0m layout
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The H0 scale layout
H0 = 2-rails ? 3-rails ?
The H0 scale (scale 1/87) is undoubtedly the most widely used scale in model railroading in Belgium. This scale has two different technical systems that are mutually incompatible.
There is the 3-rail system, also known as the ‘alternating current’ (AC) or ‘Märklin’ system and there is the 2-rail system, also known as the ‘direct current’ (DC).
A train designed for the 3-rail system placed on a 2-rail layout immediately causes a short circuit.
A train designed for the 2-rail system placed on a 3-rail layout will not move one inch.
In most model railroad clubs there are (at least) two H0 layouts: a 2-rail layout and a completely separate 3-rail layout. This is not the case in our RMC783 club: in our club the two technical systems are integrated into a single large layout, even if the rails of the two systems are of course completely separate on the electrical level

In our club, a 2-rail system train (blue and orange loops in the diagram above) can therefore meet a 3-rail system train (green loop) on the opposite track.
The H0 layout occupies a room of 60m² and includes 250m of tracks, of which ± 30% in alternative current (3 rails system or Märklin) and ± 70% in continuous current 2 rail system).
The H0m scale layout
We have an 8m by 1m H0m network: a track through a varied landscape, with return loops at both ends.
The N scale layout
We have a small N layout (1/160) which unfortunately was inactive for a long time due to lack of interested members. However in October 2023, with the much appreciated help of a new member, we began to build a new N scale layout.

So if you feel like it, don’t hesitate to come see us and possibly join us !
E-mail: Send us a message !
0474/46 79 45
0485/42 67 94
02/515 29 57 (Tuesdays from 20h00 until 22h00)
Metro Saint-Guidon (Line 5 of the STIB/MIVB), Anderlecht, Brussels-Capital Region (Tuesdays from 20h00 until 22h00)
A visit is possible, but by appointment only !